💛 Welcome Parents and Caregivers 💛

Let’s be real – juggling kids' emotions, endless schedules, and trying to keep your own sanity intact is no joke. You’re constantly managing meltdowns, keeping up with to-do lists, and wishing you had more calm in your home (and in your mind).

And deep down, you KNOW your family needs more connection, more balance, and a healthy way to handle all the big feelings.

You don’t need random YouTube Videos, another parenting book, or another quick-fix for getting your kids to behave better. You need something that actually works – something that’s simple, fun, and brings everyone together.

👉 That’s where Family Yoga Game Night comes in.

This is not just stretching. It’s emotional regulation through play – the missing piece to finally helping your child (and YOU) handle stress, big emotions, and everything in between with ease.

Imagine less chaos, more calm, and stronger family bonds – all in under 20 minutes a week.

Family Yoga Game Night is THE PLACE parents need to be

because it’s not just another activity to check off your list – it’s the solution to the chaos, stress, and emotional rollercoasters that leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s the truth: If you want your kids to learn emotional regulation, you have to practice it with them - and not just in stressful moments. This membership makes that easy, fun, and consistent without adding another burden to your busy schedule.

It’s 20 minutes a week of playful yoga, breathing deeply, and mindfulness practices that bring your family closer. Its about creating lasting habits, and teaching your kids how to handle their emotions with confidence.

We don’t just hand you tools and walk away. We give you the structure, the accountability, and the community you need to make this a regular part of your life – because, let’s be honest, without those things, it’s all too easy to let it slip. Here, you'll find support, expert guidance, and a roadmap to transform your family’s emotional well-being in a way that’s practical and actually doable.

This is the place where calm, connection, and play come together – and your family will never look back.

Take a Look👇🏻

Raise Your Hand if:

- You're drained by your child's emotional meltdowns and feel like nothing works.

- You want to practice yoga and mindfulness, but it keeps getting pushed aside for "another time."

- You’re tired of reacting to chaos and crave calm and connection.

- You know your whole family needs better emotional tools – but don’t know where to start.

If this hits home, it’s time for a change – Family Yoga Game Night is your answer!

Imagine this...

Your child is facing a tough day at school—normally, it would end in tears or frustration. But today, instead of a meltdown, they take a deep breath, practice their “bunny breath” exercise, and calmly tell you how they feel. You see the shift in them—more confidence, more self-awareness, and an incredible sense of peace. And you’re proud, not just of them, but of the connection you've built together through family yoga.

Picture a home where emotional outbursts are met with mindfulness, where stressful mornings turn into playful yoga games, and where your child knows how to handle big feelings with grace. You’ve empowered them with tools they’ll use for life—tools that help them navigate challenges, build resilience, and feel strong in their body and mind. 

No more constant reacting to chaos. Instead, you have calm, connection, and a stronger bond with your child.

This isn’t just about practicing yoga—it’s about creating a legacy of emotional strength and well-being. This is the life waiting for you inside Family Yoga Game Night!

Inside Family Yoga Game Night, You Will Find:

  • 4 X 20-Minute Yoga Sessions each month
    Easy-to-follow PDF Guide with instructions for playful family yoga sessions designed for family fun, so you can bond and practice emotional regulation together.
  • Playful Yoga Games
    Games that teach emotional skills through movement and fun, so your kids don’t even realize they’re learning!
  • Breathing Practices
    Gentle breathing techniques to help your children calm themselves when big emotions arise.
  • Exclusive Community Support
    Access to a private group of like-minded parents, so you can share experiences, ask questions, and celebrate your progress.

But Wait…There’s More!

Bonus: Supporting Masterclasses

A library of recorded videos, masterclasses and yoga classes such as chair yoga games, self-care for grown ups, supporting children in poses and a fun Pajama Party Yoga Session.

Bonus: Living Your Yoga Off the Mat

A dive into yoga philosophy. Learn about the Yamas and Niyamas and how you can support your family with these 10 mindful pillars of living.

This course is closed for enrollment.

What Makes Family Yoga Game Night Different?

Family Yoga Game Night is designed with real families in mind. It’s quick, engaging, and fun for both kids and parents. Unlike traditional yoga classes or mindfulness programs, this membership turns emotional regulation into a playful, joyful experience that fits easily into your busy life.

It’s about more than just movement—it’s about connection, growth, and creating lasting family bonds.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Family Time into Something Fun and Powerful?

It’s time to make emotional regulation and connection a priority—without the overwhelm. Family Yoga Game Night is your easy, doable solution for creating calm, emotionally intelligent kids and a more connected family.

Meet the teacher

Hey, I’m Natasha, and I’ve been teaching children’s yoga since 2017. As a mom of 2 kids, I know first hand how tough emotional regulation can be—for both parents and children. But here’s the thing: when we make emotional skills playful and fun, it changes everything.

Through my own journey as a parent, I’ve discovered how to bring calm and joy to my home using playful yoga and mindfulness practices. Now, I’m sharing everything I’ve learned with you!

What others are saying


"My son is loving the calm activities and I've seen a big difference with his behaviour, thank you"


"These classes have been a real hit with my 3. Watching them practice together warms my heart!"


"These games have been a real hit at home! Have to say I'm enjoying them as much as the kids!"

Is Family Yoga Game Night Right for You?

This is for you if:

  • You want to teach your kids emotional regulation but don’t know where to start.
  • You’re looking for fun, easy ways to bond with your kids while teaching them essential life skills.
  • You’re ready to feel more connected, calm, and confident as a parent.

This is not for you if...

You're not a parent, caregiver, or teacher of children aged 4 to 12, or if you're looking for live classes or a more personalized approach.

If holistic well-being and mindful, connected practice aren’t your priorities, or if you’re too busy to commit 20 to 30 minutes a week, this membership might not suit your needs. Our focus is on shared, interactive practices, not solo activities for your kids.

During your time in this membership, you will:

  • Have a family routine that supports emotional regulation.
  • Know exactly how to bring more moments of calm into your week together.
  • Feel more connected with your kids through playful, meaningful activities.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yoga practices for children.

The Truth Is...

If you want to help your children build emotional resilience, you need to make time for it. But it doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming—just 20 minutes, four times a month. If that sounds do-able, that’s because it is.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Family Yoga Game Night suitable for children with additional needs?  

Absolutely! This membership is all about meeting your child where they are, and adapting the practices to fit your family’s unique needs. You know your child best, so you have the flexibility to practice in a way that works for them. There’s no rush—these yoga games are designed to be done at your own pace, in your own way.

2. Do I need to have a printer to access the guidebooks?  

A printer is recommended, but not necessary! Our guidebooks are designed to be easily accessible from your phone, tablet, or computer. You can follow along digitally, so no need to worry if you don't have a printer.

3. Can more than one child join in the sessions?  

Absolutely! Family Yoga Game Night is perfect for siblings to join in together. The more, the merrier! Yoga games are fun for the whole family and designed to help everyone bond and practice emotional regulation together.

4. Do I need to be experienced in yoga to do this with my kids?

No yoga experience is required! The games are simple, playful, and perfect for beginners. I’ll guide you through each session, making sure it’s fun and easy to follow, no matter your yoga background.

5. How much time do we need to commit each week? 

Just 20 minutes a week (4 times a month)! That’s it. You’ll be surprised at how much impact just 20 minutes of fun, focused family yoga can have on your connection and your kids' emotional well-being.

6. What if my child isn’t interested in yoga?

That’s okay! Family Yoga Game Night is more about play and connection than a practice that looks like an adult's yoga practice. The games are engaging, interactive, and designed to feel like playtime, so your child will naturally get involved without it feeling like a formal yoga session.

7. What if we can’t join the live Q&A Sessions?

No problem! All live sessions are recorded and available in the Facebook Group, so you can access them whenever it fits your schedule. Questions are to be submitted before the live call.

8. What ages is this suitable for?

Family Yoga Game Night is designed for kids ages 4-13 and their grown up/grown ups, but the playful nature of the games makes it fun for younger and older siblings too!  

9. Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. We’re confident that once you start, you’ll love the experience, but there’s no long-term commitment if it doesn’t feel like the right fit for your family.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out! We’re here to help you and your family thrive through fun, playful yoga.

Inside the membership:

  New Members - Start here!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Family Yoga Game Night - This Month
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Only got 5 minutes?? Play one of these game together today!!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Breathing Practices for Emotional Regulation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Relax at bedtime with these guided meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Masterclasses for Supporting Children's Well-being at Home
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus - Living Your Yoga off the Mat
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Teacher Section
Available in days
days after you enroll


For Teachers Wanting to Join: Get Inspired and Supported!

Although Family Yoga Game Night is designed for home practice, the themes of connection and play resonate beautifully with what we want to bring into classrooms and group settings too. If you're a teacher looking for fresh ideas to inspire your own yoga classes, this membership is perfect for you!

By joining, you’ll not only experience how playful yoga strengthens emotional regulation in a home environment, but you’ll also gain creative tools and inspiration for your teaching practice. The games, activities, and practices you’ll discover here can be easily adapted to your own classes—bringing more connection, fun, and mindfulness into the lives of the children you teach.

Plus, I’ve included exclusive bonus content just for teachers! You’ll get access to special lesson plans and masterclasses, including:

- Partner and group work

- Theming your classes

- Running an epic workshop

Whether you're looking to enhance your own classes, feel more supported, or bring more creativity into your teaching, Family Yoga Game Night will help you do all of that—while giving you the tools to inspire the kids you work with.

We’d love to have you in our community, so come join the fun!

What are teachers saying?

"Family yoga with Natasha “ has been such a help and guidance through my time as a yoga teacher. I’m so benefiting from the different yoga games, breathing exercises and the workshops. Communication with Natasha is always so clear and also her response to any questions are answered extremely quickly.

I feel mindfulness is extremely important and since the pandemic has become far more in need. 

If your thinking of joining I would highly recommend the membership 🙏 - Rebecca

"Thanks a million for your fabulous lessons and brill ideas! I started a lunchtime yoga session with 6th Class in my school and they are really enjoying it! Love the plans and thank you so much!" Amy

"Natasha these are really brilliant game suggestions.Thank you so much for getting back to me. I love your style.Thank you." Marie

"Thanks so much Natasha! I loved your lesson plans! I’ve been teaching kids yoga mindfulness for the last 7 years in a holistic school. Now I work at a yoga studio and I am training kids yoga teachers. Your lessons have come in really handy as excellent resources. I am so grateful and will likely want more lessons soon. Thank you!!!" Josie 

This course is closed for enrollment.